

Life is full of  compromises,conditions,situations,promises,hobbies,likes,dislikes.Well I would say,Life is like a mobile package you don't get everything that you want.Sorry no customization is required,so you compromise or rather adjust to what is available.

On the contrary , Life is a very beautiful journey on how we react to events happening in our lives.We always need to move ahead in life,relationships,career no matter what ever difficulties,crises,problems or set backs we encounter.Every one comes into this world with limited tears and unlimited happiness.We tend to forget over a period of time that GOD,The Almighty has given mankind a very special gift - To forget things.

I don't intend to say that we need to forget every event in our life.But it would be nice if we could move ahead with time leaving behind the unwanted events which occurred in our lives. We all come in to this world with a pot in side us.It is similar to our belly and I would like to term it as Emotional Pot ...

The emotional pot is of a standard size and all the feelings that we generate during our life are filled in this.It is necessary to have an outlet for this pot,which GOD has given it to us in the form of our emotions.It necessary for each one of us to empty this pot
periodically to ensure that we have healthy relationships, good thoughts,positive emotions and a great life to live.If we are always happy ,our face is radiating ,glowing or bubbly.If we are sad we tend to have a frowned face,dull and no life...

How can we empty this POT ? Its a general tendency of every human to remember all the good things that have occurred and also the bad things that have happened.The best to clean this pot is to constantly making an effort to start forgetting them in phases or once for all
say Shift+Delete,which will help us feeling .If this cleaning is not done regularly ,we tend to accumalate this over a period of time,which will result in EMOTIONAL OUTBURST.

Emotional outburst results in frustration,fights,strained relations,outburst of anger and MOOD swings.All these feelings tend to create a major imbalance in life or change in lifestyle.

Well end of the day we all have one life and one chance to make the
best of our life.

Lets try making this a better place to live ...



Its Hard to Say Goodbye!!!!

I have been going to the airport to give my family and friends a send off for the last 10 yrs and have never felt like this before .I have actually started feeling during my last 3visits to airport.I realised today that I can't do this for a while..Today I had been to the airport to drop  my cousin(Sasi) , who was off to India and IT WAS DIFFICULT , mostly because he was leaving to India and I miss home a lot these days . I broke down as soon as he walked past the security and was invisible. I then realised am not going to see him for more than a month and he was travelling to my motherland, Karmabhoomi , my Swades (On an entirely different note, remember SRKs dialogue in Chak de ,while training the girls he says I-N-D-I-A)It just rings a bell in my ears. Woahhhhh !!!!

OMG I can't get over this for a while now ...I am sure of THAT !!

I was in a similar situation when my wife was travelling to India twice , yes twice , once in January , for her Visa and then in April, for a wedding.As I was on the way to airport with her  I was all fine and happy that she gets to travel and all that blah blah .. but suddenly it hits me that not only would I be staying alone here ,but also she gets to go to I N D I A  ...Truly what people say is rite, u miss the place you love more when ur away from it.Perhaps we aware of how attached we are with certain things when we are away ....sometimes I miss my family back in India so badly that I just want to drop everything right now , as they are and be with the family.thankfully my wife does not disagree..But we really cant do that... I wish I could be Superman and  cross continents with in no time.

I guess every one in their life goes through this phase where they feel all homesick and Indiasick and over a period of time get habituated to it.I wonder whether we develop a thick skin towards these feelings or are we just too shy of admitting this in life ??

I still remember the first time when my wife travelled from India to get here , all alone for her studies .We were all emotional in the airport...It really took some time to get adjusted to digest the fact.When I travelled to join her a couple of months later ,I was even more emotional than the others at the airport.The feeling of meeting our loved ones after a long period is in itself a great moment of joy and excitement.I wonder how people can stay away from their loved ones for long periods and don't meet them for years together.I personally know know of people who moved to US 7 yrs back and have not visited INDIA till date.I wonder how they live without visiting their family and friends ???
Sorry I am not talking of those who despite staying in the same city don't find time to meet

I must admit Its hard to stay out of INDIA without visiting our family and friends for long intervals


Random Thots

It is one of those time in our lives when we feel down for more than one reasons and we go into the analysis/questioning mode.I mean we introspect , retrospect,think,dwell about a few circumstances or situations which we had reacted or acted to.The decisions which we have taken are ...the implications of those decisions...life after that decision.

During this whole process of pondering or introspection we also think about the choice we had in lives at various times and give those choices a thought.Had we made that decision how life would have been today.Trust me life would definitely be different with that second decision but probably the experience we had with this one might not be guaranteed.There would always be this choices in life to make our decisions .The best part of these testing times is the actual character of the person.We keep hearing that we need to learn from others experiences ,which is partly rite .Situations ,experiences,people,time might all be the same but the individuals and their priorities are completely different.

There is always a battle among most of us about the kind of decisions we have to make and the results to it.I think I would like to give full credit to the current gen for this clarity or independence.I would like to mention that this is independence comes when there is abundance of information available on the subject matter.Today we need anything we just say "GOOGLE" and get all the info.

Must say life today is far simpler and complicated in many ways ...Things are available at a click today.
While drafting this post I vaguely remember reading this some where " It depends how you want to go to the graveyard(final destination) either in neatly ironed clothes or want to try everything in life make your clothes dirty with wine in one hand and chocolate in the other hand

What ever decision you make in life never repent and stand by it come what may.


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