
Its time ...we realise it

Its time we treat them as individuals and look beyond the boundary of our relationships....

I happen to meet an old friend of mine during my last visit to London .Its been over 10 yrs we met. Can’t actually describe my frame of mind when I met him, he was one of my friends friend. I met him during my Inter days and soon he became a good friend of mine .Later on both became busy with our lives and dint remain in  touch. He moved to London 7yrs back and is settled here.

I always looked at him as an old friend of mine and dint realise that we both  are completely different individuals from our last meeting. We grow up and have our own individual identities which have to be respected by everyone.

A couple of days later a thought struck me which made me restless and also inspired me to write this post .I was wondering that n the cloud of our relationship with the person we often forget their individuality and behave ...All through the years we treat people on the relations we share with them : wife, Mom, dad, sister, brother, Uncle, Aunt, friend, son, daughter...whatever relation it may...but the fact is that before we share a relation with them they are individuals in their own place and we need to respect them for what they are. 

Life is too short to judge people depending on our relationship rather than knowing the actual person .We share many relationships in our life and also need to respect them to cherish memories

Life is too short to really bother about what people think ....Its important to live our life on our terms but also ensure that we donot shrug away from our responsibilities .....

Live every act fully, as if it were your last. 

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